Ashes To Beauty



I felt God called me to start this blog not even four months ago in early July 2014. One hundred and ten posts later, the blog has had over 25,000 views. People from over 50 countries are visiting the website exploring the resources here. Thank you, my readers, for your support! It is an encouragement to me to see God so obviously redeeming my painful past through touching all your lives. -Mr. & Mrs.



“Beautiful Things” by Gungor was another song that ministered to my heart during some of my darkest days. It was a song reminding me of God’s good character and promise–i.e. He takes even the most dire situation and transforms it into something truly beautiful. I would sing along or just soak in the truth of its lyrics.

“Beautiful Things” became a prayer for me.

It was my act of faith in God: I chose to believe God would take my ashes and make something beautiful out of them.

And He did.

Beauty for ashes.

And He can do it for you, too!




5 thoughts on “Ashes To Beauty”

  1. Pastor David, thank you for your inspiration (Mrs DM too)! Congrats on your success in spreading the word. You are an instrument of God! 🙂

  2. DM- I found your blog from reading CL. Thank you for this blog because it really validates the true impact of Adultery and the hurt it causes that is not acceptable even in God’s eyes. Sadly, I forgave my husband so many times after numerous affairs. I thought it is important to teach my kids forgiveness in a marriage and relationships. Thankfully now I am able to teach my kids Self-Respect!! My divorce was final this week after 25 yr.

    1. Thoughtful-you are mighty! Forgiveness is important to teach. Finalizing a divorce means you’ve now taught forgiveness AND self respect. Glad you’re finally free.

  3. I don’t always feel compelled to comment, but just wanted to let you know that I read every one of your posts. Thank you for setting up this blog!

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