Beloved Child

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. – I John 3:1, ESV


Too much of my life was spent chasing after the identity of being a good boy or good Christian. Even though I was taught at an early age about the Christian walk not being about “works,” the reality had not sunk into my heart. This lever of shame was well in operation during my separation and divorce. It worked great in manipulating and tormenting me because I did not want to be a “bad Christian.”

Through some healing work with Anthony and Susan Hulsebus, I found freedom from this bondage. Much of their powerful teaching can be found in Anthony’s book: Rejection Exposed: Understand the Root and Fruit of Rejection. In his book, lectures, and counseling, Anthony taught me that I needed to see myself as a son and not as an employee. I needed to junk the “good Christian” lever. God does not have employees. But He does have sons (and daughters).

I  share this to you all as I found this teaching, which is very Biblical, to be vital to my healing journey. It helped me to break free from anxiety. I no longer had to perform–not for my ex, her parents, church officials, or even myself.

God calls me His child. That’s good enough.

*For those of you who heard this from your cheater in an attempt to excuse the inexcusable, I am sorry. I would add such is an abuse of this teaching. If I am a son or daughter of God, I will not want to shame my Father or hurt Him. Willfully committing adultery is very shameful and hurtful as God values marriage and the spouse of one’s youth. While we are not made family members of God through our actions (i.e. we enter the family through a free gift from God by Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross), our actions do reveal our hearts and to whom we belong. Jesus called such things fruit and called out the Pharisees for speaking in lies like their father Satan!

One thought on “Beloved Child”

  1. Pastor David, I love the sentiment and simplicity of that ” I am Gods child .”

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