Cheating Is Ultimate Entitlement Behavior!

If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel.

-Deuteronomy 22:22, NIV

Ironically, cheaters have been known to act as if the faithful spouse is the selfish one in the marriage.

They lack the insight that their cheating behavior is the ultimate declaration of selfish entitlement!

Their cheating actions say that their pleasure is more important than the well-being of their spouse, their children, and the community. I include community as cheating blows up communities as well as marriages.

We see that is the case in how adultery is addressed in Deuteronomy 22:22. It is not just a private problem for the effected couple or family. Adultery impacted all of Israel!

Personally, I doubt a cheater makes any progress in repentance unless he or she recognizes and turns from this great sense of selfish entitlement.

Pride is antithetical to repentance.

Cheaters are full of pride to think that they can cheat and are entitled to call the dancing tune of their victims in the pastor’s and/or therapist’s office.

With such pride in place, the faithful spouse and pastor have nothing to work with in regards to godly reconciliation and rebuilding of the marriage.

A root of such cheater entitled pride will likely sprout again even if the “tree” has been cut down to the stump.

My recommendation:

Dig up the root or leave!

Trust me, you do not want to be around when that root “flowers” again.