Worldly Wisdom says, “Own your part to the marriage’s breakdown.”

  “And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery–unless his wife has been unfaithful.” -Matthew 19:9, NLT What did YOU contribute to your marriage’s breakdown?! Years ago, I used to believe this was a reasonable question to ask any divorced individual. After all, we are imperfect creatures. We … Continue reading “Worldly Wisdom says, “Own your part to the marriage’s breakdown.””

Dear DM, What about adult children and adultery?

Dear Divorce Minister, Thank you for your blog, it helps put into words the things I feel as a faithful spouse. I have been following the social news from my country and one of the articles contains a screenshot of a Pastor and businessman, who has been in the public eye and who has presented … Continue reading “Dear DM, What about adult children and adultery?”

O, foolish and angry cheater!

A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident. -Proverbs 14:16, NKJV This proverb caught my eye today. I think it fits, sadly, many cheaters and others fully committed to their sin. They are angry when called on their folly while also confident in being “right.” This is not a new … Continue reading “O, foolish and angry cheater!”

Making a public sin, private is part of the problem.

But those elders who are sinning you are to reprove before everyone, so that the others may take warning. -I Timothy 5:20, NIV The risk I run by continuing this ministry is experiencing the judgment and condemnation of others. “He must be bitter.”  “I am concerned about his new family. He you would think he would … Continue reading “Making a public sin, private is part of the problem.”

THAT intrusive, evangelical “Christian” flavor

The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments…. -I  Corinthians 2:15, NIV Dave Ramsey and his company has hit the news recently. The stories are far from flattering, though. One statement about the work culture at Ramsey Solutions caught my attention. The … Continue reading “THAT intrusive, evangelical “Christian” flavor”

Even God requires repentance before welcoming back!

“If you want to come back, O Israel,     you must really come back to me. You must get rid of your stinking sin paraphernalia     and not wander away from me anymore.” -Jeremiah 4:1 (from 1-2 block), THE MESSAGE This verse comes on the heals of the chapter where God declares His divorce of Israel over … Continue reading “Even God requires repentance before welcoming back!”

Cheater, stop trying to blame your partner! Focus on YOUR part!!

“She will just keep this hanging over my head. I don’t think she will ever really forgive me.” -Cheater to pastor Cheater, focus on YOUR own part! A wise pastor and Christian counselor will not take this bait to bash the faithful spouse. Instead, he or she will remind the cheater that he only controls … Continue reading “Cheater, stop trying to blame your partner! Focus on YOUR part!!”

The Self-Deceived Cheater

Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…. -I Timothy 4:2, KJV I am convinced the “best” liars are self-deceived cheaters. They believe what they are telling others. This might be the verbal diarrhea of “justifying” why they had to cheat or were entitled to cheat on their spouse. The saddest … Continue reading “The Self-Deceived Cheater”

Cheater-Speak: “I made a mistake. Give me a break!”

“It was a mistake. Come on! Give me a break.” -Cheater Adultery is far more than “a mistake.” The word just makes me cringe internally when I see or hear it used to talk about infidelity. In one sense, the word is accurate. The person did something wrong. A “mistake” highlights that. However, the word … Continue reading “Cheater-Speak: “I made a mistake. Give me a break!””

Adultery Tolerant Churches Are Anti-Biblical

Boasting over your tolerance of sin is inappropriate. -I Corinthians 5:6a, TPT Some churches welcome adulterous spouses. They have no shame about this behavior. In fact, they celebrate how welcoming they are to these folks. It truly is head-scratching to think they see this sort of behavior as a faithful witness to how God wants … Continue reading “Adultery Tolerant Churches Are Anti-Biblical”