Evocative Music…

Have you ever noticed how a song can transport you back in time to a specific moment in time?

Country singer, Josh Turner, has a song that does that for me. It is “Would You Go With Me” from the album, “Your Man.”

Here’s the song:

It came on the radio recently and transported me back to 2006. In fact, it brought me back to my first honeymoon. You see, I played this album on repeat as we drove into the mountains to our honeymoon hideaway.

These were bittersweet memories. 

They are SWEET in that I truly enjoyed that trip.

They are BITTER in that the person I was with turned out to be treacherous and destroyed the beauty that could have been our marriage by cheating.

I am sure I am not alone in having a song or album like this one. And I want to encourage you that it is okay to feel those feelings of bittersweet memory.

In fact, this song moved me to tears over what was lost. That just means I dearly cared about what was taken from me–namely, my first marriage via infidelity and abandonment, IMO.

That’s grief.

It shows up in strange and unexpected moments. And that does not mean you are defective for feeling like that. It just means you are human and have experienced a deep loss.

So, be kind to yourself. It is okay to feel these poignant emotions. And it is okay to enjoy your present life as well.

That is all part of the journey called life.