A Life Without Intense Family Stress

This past week I had a particularly stressful day. I called my father the day after to talk about various things and mentioned to him that the other day was stressful.

He asked if it was work stress or family stress.

Family stress?

That never even entered my mind.

Not that it was an unfair or unreasonable question. He didn’t know. And he would remember the extreme family stress I experienced while being married to a cheater.

But I no longer married to the cheater.

My family stress is very low in comparison to those days. This week was no different. My stress was related to some situations at work.

Family life is a precious gift. I thank God for my gals: Mrs. DM and Munchkin. They aren’t what stresses me out.

Sure, I get frustrated with them from time to time. (And the feelings are likewise, I would suppose.) But I remain forever grateful for them being in my life.

Such is how God has transformed my post-cheater life.

Once my family life was the source of my greatest stress (while married to the cheater), but now it is a major source of support and blessings. God has turned the equation on its head exchanging curses for blessings.

And if God can do that for me, God can do the same–changing curse for blessings–for you!