Achieved the “800 Bench Press Club” Yesterday!

When going through infidelity discovery, the pain is really strong. I am so glad I did not allow that pain to stop me from living into the future.

Yesterday, I achieved a feat that would have blown my 20 or even 30 year old self. In training, I bench pressed 805 lbs (365 kgs) in a 2-ply, band bench shirt!

This is more weight than any human has ever lifted raw. So, I have finally made it to a place in equipped lifting where it enables me to do more than any human can do without such equipped assistance!

While this is just a hobby for me, I am grateful for the progress I have made in it. All of this is possible because I did not let the rejection of my first marriage ending to a cheater stop me from living. It a minor reminder compared to a lot of other joys in my life; yet it is still an accomplishment and joy worth celebrating.

Beauty from ashes!