Divorce is NOT the enemy! Sin is.

But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

-Matthew 5:28, NLT

Public Service Announcement:

Divorce is NOT the enemy. Sin IS!

A pet peeve of mine is hearing pastors talk about the tragedy of divorce as if this the problem. Such talk reinforces ungodly and unhealthy perspectives on divorce.

When we target divorce as the ultimate evil, then we teach tolerance of all other sins as acceptable. Adultery, abuse, lies, and theft are all acceptable as long as one avoids divorce under this mentality. I do not believe such is God’s heart on the matter.

The focus needs to be upon the sin. When we teach that some sin is perfectly justifiable reasons to end a marriage in divorce, we protect the victims of such sin. Plus, we de-stigmatize those in the pews who have divorced over such sin.

In other words, it is important to remember and teach:

The problem in our church’s marriages is sin, not divorce!

One thought on “Divorce is NOT the enemy! Sin is.”

  1. My husband is either frequently enchanted or astral projected to somewhere else, and won’t admit it, but he seems “not there” quite often for someone who doesn’t drink or do drugs. Problem is, you can’t prove adultery from psychic sex or the astral plane. Being with someone who commits adultery against God is the most painful part, if anyone knows what I am talking about. I am of the minority opinion that pornography is adultery in light of Sermon on the Mount (don’t even look with lust), but I have that philosophical luxury because I don’t have children to worry about. Can’t wait for America to divorce witchcraft. Let’s start there!

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