Happy Father’s Day, Faithful Spouse Dads!

To all you faithful spouse dads out there:

Happy Father’s Day!

I know it is in vogue to rail against men these days. Dads are pictured as the problem for family life. What those depictions do is fail to acknowledge the amazing job so many dads do.

Over the years, I have run into some amazing men. They were the faithful partners trying to hold their family together despite the utter madness of their cheating wives. They were the rock for their children during truly tumultuous seas.

My hat is off to you, men!

I hope you found ways to enjoy your day (here in the USA). You are worth celebrating. So, I hope you did!

And to those of us who became faithful spouse dads in other ways–like through another marriage (me), adoption, or mentoring–I hope you joined me today in embracing and celebrating the joys of being a father, too!

3 thoughts on “Happy Father’s Day, Faithful Spouse Dads!”

  1. Spent the day with one of my sons and a “bonus son” I got when I remarried.
    Thanks for the shout out DM!

  2. Thank you for your positive remarks about Dads. I watched a Father’s Day special on TV yesterday that did nothing but rip Dads for their shortcomings. It should have been called The Bad Father’s Day Special. I had to change the channel.

  3. Happy Fathers Day, great dads! Sorry this is belated, but maybe it’s never too late to say thank you to the devoted dads and husbands out there. As a woman betrayed for 31 years, I fully believe there are plenty of you…. and that you are the core and backbone of our Christian society ( the authentic one). Hang in there. God sees you, and we do too!!

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