Married means no dating!

Give honor to marriage, and remain faithful to one another in marriage. God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.

-Hebrews 13:4, NLT

When I was dating after my divorce, I was somewhat surprised by how many people were dating still married.

For me, those people were a hard pass. I did not want to be the third part of a triangle like the affair partner(s) were in my marriage’s ending. Plus, I knew cheaters lie, and I could not trust the sad circumstances they presented about their marriage. They may or may not be true.

That time between separation and divorce can be a gift.

If you find yourself in that limbo space, I would encourage you to invest in yourself:

Find out your likes. Develop new hobbies. Restart old ones. Get involved in volunteering. Find a solid same sex group at your local church that can give you community.

The point is to take a break from the romantic scene and heal. Then you will be better prepare to re-enter the dating scene when it is time after the divorce is finalized.