Cheater-Speak: “I can’t keep pretending…”

“I can’t keep pretending everything is fine,” says Cheater.

What this really means is the Cheater is tired of hiding their contempt for the faithful spouse. They are declaring it is too much. So, they will now display their contempt openly.

The cheater has no real problem with pretending as long as it advantages them.

They are happy to continue pretending if it means avoiding consequences for their sins against the faithful spouse. Pretending is NOT the problem here.

This statement serves as a way to help in their own (self?) deception. It makes it seem that their behavior is virtuous. They are allegedly stopping the deception and being “honest.”

But that is just another lie.

Again, their problem is NOT with pretending. Their problem is with having to hide their contempt for the faithful spouse. They want permission to be even more cruel. This statement is a way for them to give themselves that permission.

If you have a Cheater saying such things, beware! That is simply a prelude for some very nasty follow up statements in the form of character attacks.