PSA: Get Tested, Please!

When I was going through my divorce after discovering infidelity, I went to the doctor’s office to get tested for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). It was the wise thing to do.

That was a hard doctor’s visit. Thankfully, my results came back negative. But it was necessary for peace of mind following such nasty deception.

Public Service Announcement:

Get Tested for STDs, Please!

All the pastors I encountered never told me this. It is NOT something covered in seminary–at least, in my experience. However, I had a good Christian friend who recommended it.

Please, do it. If your Cheater lied about the affair(s), you have no idea whether or not they exposed you to a disease without your knowledge.

Them telling you that they didn’t sleep with you after cheating is not good enough: They are liars.

Also, I would recommend doing this even if you think it was “just” an emotional affair. Remember: they are liars. You do not want to trust your health to their trustworthiness.

I am not going to lie that it is difficult. However, knowing is better than NOT knowing. You can make better decisions going forward and treat what you may have than if you did not know.