The betrayed is Jesus!

23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread….

-I Corinthians 11:23, NIV (Emphasis mine)

I was listening to a podcast the other day and was struck by this well-known passage. These words have been spoken for thousand of years for the institution of Communion.

Jesus is known as the betrayed one.

It is not covered up. We do not talk about Jesus failing to forgive. Rather, we have enshrined this identity for eternity in this sacrament.

Another thing we do not do is accuse Jesus of living in a “victim mentality.” We understand this is just history.

It is a history that is very unflattering to some individuals–especially Judas Iscariot. Yet we do not shy away from acknowledging the truth that Jesus was betrayed.

I see a model here for faithful spouses.

To Christians who want to turn a blind-eye to the ugly truth, we can remind them that such behavior is anti-Christian. God did not turn a blind-eye to Judas’ betrayal. He put it front and center with the sacrament of Communion.

God speaks truth. We as His people ought to follow His example.

It is not being “stuck in a victim mentality” to acknowledge the historical fact of betrayal. God does it every time we have Communion!