Detox your soul through thanksgiving

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.

-Psalm 107:1, NIV

Sometimes we need a detox from seeing the vile stuff cheaters and their supporters do. I think the best way to do this detox is by giving thanks.

We all have things for which we can give thanks. Even the breath in our lungs is a gift, we didn’t earn it.

Today, I am feeling especially grateful for the family God gave me following my divorce. It is refreshing have a wife who is a real friend. Plus, I am reveling in having a child whom I love dearly.

If that was not enough, I love my pets.

Initially, I was skeptical about this when Mrs. DM first told me about her love of parrots. Cats will always be my favorite type of pet. However, I have come to see the attraction in having the love of a parrot who chooses you. Plus, it is wild that one can have a verbal “conversation” with a critter. I am now quite smitten with my bird buddies.

God is faithful.

He is constantly giving to us. We just have to open our eyes to see the gifts. Instead of focusing on what we do not have, we ought to give thanks for what we DO have.

Forty years ago, this blog would not be possible. However, we now have a way to meet together and find support. That is a gift from God, too.

I know I am grateful for all the stories I hear about what God is doing through this digital ministry.

*A version of this post ran previously.