“Let’s talk about YOUR sins,” says cheater apologist.

“It doesn’t matter what she did. Let’s talk about YOUR sins.” – Cheater Apologist

This sort of response is the very definition of dismissive. It has all the appearance of godliness without the substance.

Of course, adultery–i.e. the victimization of faithful spouses–matters to God!

When someone responds by being dismissive of adultery or infidelity, it is a sure sign this person does not have God’s heart on the matter. They do not recognize–or prefer to ignore–how serious and damaging adultery is.

Adultery is soul rape!

The person who pivots from this reality to focus on the faithful spouse’s “sins” is engaging in promoting “The Shared Responsibility Lie.” This nasty lie teaches people that faithful spouses are partly responsible for the sin committed against him or her.

People who dismiss the cheating news to focus upon the faithful spouse’s “sin” are effectively teaching by such a response that they are both willing to tolerate as well as to attempt to justify this horrific sin.

They are also demonstrating a calloused disregard for the feelings of the victimized spouse.

Mourning and empathy is what a revelation of infidelity from a faithful spouse ought to evoke. No one deserves to be violated in this way!

Individuals responding this way to infidelity are not friends. Friends care about their friend’s heart. They are not dismissive of their friend’s pain or the real injustices this friend has clearly suffered.

If you get this response from someone near to you, consider it a gift. You now know this individual is not your friend.

And do not be taken in by their theological-sounding language. Such dismissive treatment is not from God. God is close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18) and would never treat them with such cruelty.

You see, God does not choose between holiness and compassion. He is both loving and holy. Further, He is never dismissive of adultery (e.g. Hebrews 13:4).



*A version of this post ran previously.