Pro-Tip: A refusal to engage on relationship positives is discard preparation.

When a cheater is done with you, they might refuse to talk about what they enjoy about being married to you.

This makes it easier on them both to cheat on you and to discard you. After all, the positives would remind them of real losses that come with the ending of the marriage. Such a buzz kill 😉

It is easier making you out to be a monster than to face the monstrous thing they are doing!

They are divesting from the marriage when they do this. The last thing they want to do is the right thing–namely, reinagage with their hearts. Of course, they will blame you for all of this. But they are lying to themselves.

All marriages have ups and downs. Stress comes to us all. Cheaters fail by looking outside the marriage for solutions to these stresses. They comprised their integrity, and then they rather believe the lie it was justified than face this fact.


A refusal to engage on relationship positives is discard preparation.

You notice this happening, then I would suggest you likely have a cheater. It may or may not have already gone physical. But I assure you the likelihood is that they have already given their heart elsewhere.