Cheater lines…

“I don’t love you anymore.”
“I feel like we are just roommates.”
“I need space.”

Have you heard any of these “gems” come out of your cheater’s mouth?

Maybe they spoke such words before you knew they were cheating on you? That would make sense. As these words are designed to hide their dastardly behavior behind a semblance of “respectability.”

When you are in a Christian marriage, these words are not acceptable coming from a spouse (with the exception of space needed in abusive situations, of course!). What I mean is they are not justifications to go towards divorce.

Normally, these are words used by cheaters to “justify” (to themselves) their behavior. They are usually a result of revisionist thinking, though. It really is not about you. The cheating already is occurring. So, they need to discard you, the inconvenient spouse, who might hold them accountable.

Saying these things are nasty and cruel like many things cheaters do.

If you are hearing such things coming out of your spouse’s mouth, be aware that they might already be romantically involved elsewhere!