A forgiveness hope

When Joseph’s brothers saw that their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph holds a grudge against us and pays us back for all the wrongs we did to him?”

-Genesis 50:15, NIV

His brothers literally sold him into slavery and led their father to believe he was dead. Joseph was truly WRONGED by his brothers.

But Joseph does not hold those wrongs against them. He forgave. AND he does not deny the evil intent of his brothers in those days (see Genesis 50:20).

I think Joseph is a good model of true forgiveness. He is able to let go of the impulse to avenge the real wrongs while not denying that they were real wrongs.

Another thing I note about this story is how the brothers have come to terms with their deeds:

They freely acknowledge the truth that what they to Joseph was wrong.

Many of us as faithful spouses will never hear this from our cheater. Like Joseph’s brothers, they might want to avoid any retribution for their deeds; yet, unlike the brothers, they don’t want to admit their deeds were wrong in the first place.

My forgiveness hope:

I hope those who have wronged me come to a place where they understand what they did was wrong.

They do not have to tell me this. I don’t need to hear it to move on with my life. However, I hope they come to this point so that they do not repeat this behavior harming another.

It sure would be nice.

However, I am not going to hold my breath. I am moving on with or without this hope realized.