A godly aversion.

The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright.

-Proverbs 29:27, NIV

When I was looking at this chapter in Proverbs, this particular verse jumped out at me.

The language is awfully strong in its condemnation of dishonesty.

I could not help but apply it to matters of infidelity. God’s heart towards dishonesty is made clear here. It also explains the animosity of cheaters towards those–like the faithful partner–living upright lives.

It amazes me how Christians have so twisted the Bible or disregarded it when it comes to cheaters. They do not see how ignoring the cheaters’ dishonesty reveals their own poverty in godliness or–put another way–their lacking in having God’s heart on the matter.

One cannot commit adultery without being dishonest.

And the righteous response to this is to detest the dishonest. Anything less is not righteous as I read this verse.

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