A traumatic date remembered

My tears have been my food day and night, While they continually say to me, “Where is your God?”

-Psalm 42:3, NKJV

A Traumatic Date Remembered

Yesterday, I was doing some online work to see if I could get my student loans forgiven. Part of this process includes putting in your former employer and dates worked with them.

Suddenly, the anxiety and sadness from “nowhere” on Monday made sense. My soul was remembering the tragic and traumatic ending of a job.

This is the thing with grief. Sometimes, it is so deeply ingrained that the mind does not register it while other parts of you do.

Often, I teach about grief this way. It was interesting experiencing it this way. I was not thinking about that awful day. However, my soul remembered.

I share this to normalize your grief experiences. As I experienced, our souls remember the trauma, the loss. It is okay to be sad for “no reason.” That might just be your soul grieving a significant loss.