Another cheating pastor, Donnie Romero, falls from leadership

Pastor Steven Anderson handled this awful situation well, in my opinion (see above video).

A pastor, Donnie Romero, who was infamously known for praying that the LGBTQ victims of the Pulse attack in Orlando would die from their wounds (see article here) was found to have been “with prostitutes….” And the world rejoiced over another hypocrite falling and bringing disgrace on the Church.

It was a sad day.

While I generally applaud how it was handled, I find it interesting that the euphemism “with prostitutes” is employed as opposed to the theological terms–like adultery or sexual immorality–on the matter.

For a church concerned with being biblical, it strikes me as interesting. They imply it, of course, but do not explicitly say it.

Jesus was “with prostitutes,” but he was NOT “with prostitutes” in a sinful way.

This is still an area of growth for Christ’s body. We shy away from using appropriate theological terms for the sin in our midst–particularly as it comes to adultery, in my opinion. I hope this changes but highlights the ongoing need for websites like this one.

That said, I am grateful for how this church handled not shaming the pastor’s wife. That is a positive model worth holding up to the rest of the Church.

No one–including Pastor Romero as he announced stepping down–blamed his wife in this matter. They did not engage in “The Shared Responsibility Lie” but rather laid the sin at the sinner’s own feet.

That is progress.

It is always a sad day in the church when a leader falls to serious sin. I am thankful for men like Pastor Anderson who understand the need for transparency as well as the need to protect the innocent spouse/family in the matter.




***TO BE CLEAR: I completely condemn as ungodly and hateful the statements allegedly made by the pastor about praying for the deaths of the LGBTQ community hit by the Pulse club attack. That sort of hate has no business in the body of Christ!*** 






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2 thoughts on “Another cheating pastor, Donnie Romero, falls from leadership”

  1. DM, I cannot give them any credit for this, just as I do not give Hitler credit for loving Aryan children. Their church organization is full of poisonous hate, so I cannot give them ANY consideration for not being horrible to this vile man’s wife. I cannot imagine their motivation was Godly.

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