Another twisted world to me

Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

-I Corinthians 6:18

Years ago, I remember a conversation I had in college with another student. She was describing her sexual ethics.

What stuck with me how she described sex as just another appetite. She went on with this analogy to describe it as hunger. Sometimes a person wants fast food and sometimes they want fine dining.

I was appalled and saddened by that description.

Who wants to be someone’s “fast food?!”

Cheaters treat faithful spouses as similarly disposable “meals.” It is so foreign to how I think about sex that it is hard for me to fathom.

Sex is holy and requires connection in emotions, mind, and soul. There’s no such thing as “fast food” sex with another person. That is not how God designed sex as I understand it.

Yet people will try to treat it as such. This denial of reality harms them, their partners, and their families, sadly.

The following is a country song that reminded me of that conversation all those years ago: