Assume the cheater planned this evil!

17 “I have perfumed my bed
With myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18 Come, let us take our fill of love until morning;
Let us delight ourselves with love.
19 For my husband is not at home;
He has gone on a long journey….”

-Proverbs 7:17-19, NKJV

Unless your cheater told you the day of the “deed,” you can be certain planning went into their adulterous deception of you.

I think faithful spouses often fall for the “it was an accident” or “I didn’t mean to hurt you” excuses of their cheater. We don’t want to believe our spouse is that calculatingly cruel.

Yet cheaters are that calculatingly cruel.

It is not uncommon for cheaters to cover their infidelity for months, if not years. That is a lot of lying and planning to keep the faithful spouse in the dark!

A cheater lost their “benefit of a doubt” the moment they abused that trust by cheating.

Faithful spouses need to get this concept unless they want to be further abused and used by their cheater. Their cheater will continue to use that trust to get whatever they want. They have already demonstrated as much by cheating.

While the cheating may have happened impulsively, do not forget the lying cover up takes foresight and planning. It is calculated. Plus, the cheater made choices to put them in a situation where they would cheat.

Yes, cheaters planned this evil. Never forget that!

2 thoughts on “Assume the cheater planned this evil!”

  1. Yes she did. And I was easily sacrificed on the altar of her living her best life now. I remember a particular moment of agony, and her six word response to it corroded away almost all feelings I had for her. The cruelty in those six words was breathtaking and terrifying. In that moment, I wasn’t human to her and she bore no resemblance to anyone I had ever known. To my shame, for too long I believed that I must have been guilty of multiple marital crimes. Her cruelty demanded my guilt.

    Thank you for this post Pastor Dave and I hope your weightlifting PRs continue to go up.

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