Best days ahead!

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part.

-Job 42:12a, NIV

A lie the Enemy wants you to believe is that your life is over following adultery discovery and divorce.

He wants you fearful that all that is left for you is awful following a divorce from a cheater. Some “Christians” pile on by fear-mongering about how God can’t bless you following a divorce. This is a lie, too.

My personal testimony is God has blessed me more following my divorce than before the divorce!

God can and does bless faithful spouses following a divorce from a cheater. This is an empirical fact.

I am thankful for this.

God is good and just. He does not punish the victims of adultery. That would be evil and unjust.

Faithful spouses need not live in fear that divorce from a cheater is the end of a positive existence. It likely is simply a door into a more abundant life!

2 thoughts on “Best days ahead!”

  1. Thank you for this DM. I have been praying for this, and meditating on this verse from Job. I am fortunate to have a couple of close christian friends who also say to me that God will bless me greatly. I am holding on to that hope!

  2. I so hope and pray this is true. While my unrepentant, ex husband’s life with his mistress/wife seems very blessed…..mine, not so much. I’m encouraged by your testimony.

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