Beware of cheater contempt

As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

-James 4:6b, NLT

When your cheater shows contempt for you, that is a sure sign that they are not the least bit repentant.

Now, they may be annoyed to have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Their god-like assessment of themselves is offended by this.

They may especially resent having to answer to you whatsoever. You see, they feel so superior to you that they think they shouldn’t have to answer for their abusive behavior.

Contempt is a kissing cousin to pride.

A heart filled with contempt is a heart incapable of humility. This means they are not in a place where they can experience God’s grace. They are too proud.

A cheater must be broken of their pride before real repentance can happen.

A contempt-filled cheater is still firmly in the grips of their sin. They are acting as their own god. So, beware!