Cheater-Speak: “I’m afraid of you.”

“I’m afraid of you,” says Cheater.

This is usually a very effective manipulation by a usually female cheater. It is designed to garner instant sympathy from outsiders.

You are generally not going to argue with someone who claims to feel unsafe. The problem is how this is a lie.

Many of these cheaters will say that they feel unsafe or believe the faithful spouse is an unsafe person, yet their behavior says otherwise.

“I feel unsafe…

…but I’ll take a nap around you.”

…but I’ll leave the kids in your care so that I can screw around on you.”

Cheaters are not original. The lies of those committed to evil are usually tired ones. Yet they remain painful and destructive all the same.

When a cheater says this, she implies the faithful spouse is physically abusive. If untrue, it is a nasty piece of manipulation!

This lie is particularly hurtful to a man who is NOT a domestically violent person. It tarnishes his reputation. Plus, it is a lie repeated to all sorts of people close to that man. The damage can be great.

Yet take comfort that people who truly know you, faithful spouse, will see this as it is–i.e. a lie and desperate cheater manipulation.

One thought on “Cheater-Speak: “I’m afraid of you.””

  1. This is particularly damaging when children and teens are involved. In my case, I believe that incalculable damage was done to my teen daughters and my relationships with them when they were told the “I’m afraid of you Dad” lie, turning me instantly from being viewed as protector to predator.

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