Cheater-Supporter-Speak: “Sin is sin.”

“Sin is sin.”

– Christian Minimizing Adultery

This is a saying that cheater apologists use to guilt faithful spouses into taking back their cheater. It is a minimization of adultery.

Saying, “Sin is sin” is as stupid as saying, “A crime is a crime” then suggesting we should put speeders on the electric chair just like convicted murderers.

My point is not to engage in a debate over the death penalty. My point is that people with commonsense understand justice requires a gradation of punishments for different crimes.

The same goes for sins.

Speeding and premeditated murder both are crimes. The speeder and the murderer are in the same category as law-breakers.

But we would consider a society grossly unjust (and cruel) for applying the same punishment to both the speeder and the murderer.

Like all good lies, Satan seeds a little truth about being in a common category with the lie that we ought to treat everyone in that category the same.

My God is just. He sees through this lie. God does not treat sinners unjustly.

A person who believes in justice and a just God does not trade in this saying. They do not use it to minimize the trauma inflicted by the double life of a cheater.

If humans can spot this as unjust, trust me, God can (and does) as well!

*A version of this post ran previously.