Cheaters seem to cheat while faithful spouses are most vulnerable.

Cheaters seem to thrive on cheating when their spouse is most vulnerable. This is yet another demonic pattern that I have noticed.

The vulnerable time might take multiple forms:

-Maybe the faithful spouse is in a fight for her life dealing with breast cancer?

-Maybe it is a faithful husband who just was fired from his job and is struggling to find employment in a bad economy?

-Maybe it is faithful wife who is pregnant or has just given birth to their child?

-Maybe it is a faithful spouse who gave up a career and was looking forward to retirement on the cheater’s pension?

This  is another thing that makes cheating so evil. The one who is supposed to be our greatest human support at our most vulnerable instead turns out to be our biggest betrayer.

For me–as I see it–my ex-wife decided to attack me when I was most vulnerable in my career. Doubling down on this betrayal, her and her supporters would attack me for not having a good job. It was evil.

I don’t know what it is or was for you. However, I want to encourage you today:

You are not alone. Many of us have experienced such attacks in similarly vulnerable times. And the Evil One–who is really behind all of this–did not triumph over us.

We walked out with scars–true–but we walked out stronger.

I can testify that God positioned me to walk into a great career and later into a wonderful family with a wife who understands money isn’t everything.



*A version of this post ran previously.