Cold and Blind Cheaters

The woman named Folly is brash.
    She is ignorant and doesn’t know it.

-Proverbs 9:13, NLT

I think cheaters have to be very spiritually and emotionally sick to do what they do.

The Bible teaches that marriage makes the couple one. So, a cheater is–in effect–mortally harming himself or herself in the act of cheating. The fact that so many do not grasp this illustrates how blind and disordered cheaters are.

Yet that sickness is not an excuse to cheat. They are still fully responsible for their own sins (see 2 Corinthians 5:10).

Telling the cheater about their need for help is usually wasted effort.

They may even maintain the cheating isn’t even a problem. That is a lie, of course: a cold, nasty lie.

It really is sad.

They are blindly and destructively running down the path of their own demise–spiritually speaking. Blind and cold.