Cutting the Cord

When at a conference following the fresh official end to my first marriage, I was given some solid advice about my future.

Like two ships untying their lines from a dock, I was told to let my ex-wife sail her ship away as I did the same. It was about cutting the cord and going our own ways.

Up to this point, my ex-wife and I were still Facebook friends. I decided with the New Year to end that connection. It was a very good decision.

Cheaters are drama generators.

And this drama is usually not the good kind. As much as we are able, I believe it wise to cut the drama generators out of our daily existence. It is necessary for healing, in my  opinion.

In this coming New Year, I encourage you to follow the same sort of advice I received:

Cut the cords.

And sail off into the great destiny God has prepared for you–cheater free!