Demonic response?

He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”

-Mark 5:7, NIV

I wonder if cheaters open the door to demons when they cheat. Certainly, dark forces are at work with infidelity.

This is not to blame the demonic for the cheater’s sins. Those are the cheater’s responsibility (see 2 Cor. 5:10). “The Devil made me do it” is a lame lie.

The reason I bring this up is thinking about how Scripture about adultery may illicit a response from some cheaters. To me, it is a strange response to a simple passage:

They may behave as if scalded by hot water when confronted with verses condemning adultery.

Such a visceral reaction makes me wonder if the demonic is present. It is possible that they are just at war with their conscience, too. The passage pricks what’s left inside them telling them their behavior is horribly wrong.

Regardless, the reaction tells us that the cheater knows better. They are aware their behavior is unacceptable, and that is why it pains them to be reminded of such truth.