Divorce Minister Blog turns 7 years old today!

Today is the blog’s “birthday.”

I launched this online ministry seven years ago today with the hope to address a gap in resources for faithful spouses. What I experienced when I went through my own divorce from a cheater was the absence of solid pastoral resources that took adultery seriously.

So, I launched “Divorce Minister: Taking Adultery Seriously” and later wrote a book on the matter: Cheated On.

Today, I celebrate the success of this blog. It has come a long way from when I first wondered if anyone would bother reading my ramblings. I am glad that it continues to support faithful spouses in the trenches of dealing with the fallout from their cheaters.

My hope and prayer is that God uses this ministry to communicate His love to the greatly discouraged, faithful spouse. I know I am grateful for those who did that for me when I needed it.