Does get better!

 He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

-Psalm 18:19, KJV

If you are like me, I wanted everything to just go back to how “it was” in the immediate adultery discovery and divorce.

The pain was acute. The loneliness was palatable. The tragedy of a cheater choosing sin over rebuilding the marriage was almost “too much.”

Today, I am grateful for that ending.

That ending made a way for a new beginning. This new beginning included a new, profitable career, and amazing new wife plus a daughter, I adore.

I would not be in this amazing place today without the ending of my first marriage to a cheater.

Wherever you are in the process of grief, I want to encourage you with my story. It does get better. I cannot tell you when.

But I can tell you with confidence that the tears will subside eventually, and life sans-cheater is a wonderful life.