Does the Old Testament say to stone the faithful spouse as well?!

“If a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, both the man and the woman who have committed adultery must be put to death.”

-Leviticus 20:10, NLT

I am not for bringing back the death penalty for adultery. Ok?!

The point of quoting this verse is to expose the absurdity of blaming faithful spouses for the adultery of their unfaithful partners. God does not condemn the faithful spouse–at all–for the adulterous sins of the other.

Something is profoundly unjust and cruel about suggesting to the faithful spouse that they consider “their part” in the betrayal.

We serve the same God who stands behind these words in Leviticus. He is not less just today than He was back then. Justice demands that we do not condemn the victim of the sin.

This is really basic biblical theology.

The god who condemns someone for being sinned against is not the God of the Bible. It is a god fashioned into a human image for a human agenda. This is a false god.

God did NOT instruct the Israelis to stone to death–i.e. kill–the faithful parties for the adultery; so, let’s not stone to death–with words–those same parties today.