Don’t use the kids

When a divorce happens, time with the children is divided up between parents.

The kids are the innocent victims of the destruction wrought by the cheater’s sinful behavior. They shouldn’t pay even more.

Please do not deny access to the kids to the cheater as a way to punish him or her for their sins!

I am not talking about lying for the cheater. We are to tell the truth in age-appropriate ways without running down the other person via name-calling. The point is not to turn the kids against your cheater as if you are weaponizing them. It is to tell the basics so they know why Mommy and Daddy are no longer together. Sins have consequences.

Also, I get some cheaters are so unstable that they are unfit to have time with their vulnerable children. I am not talking about those situations either.

Some cheaters want nothing to do with their kids after divorce. Obviously, that is not what this post addresses.

What this post is addressing is when some cheaters still want to be part of their kids’ lives. For those who do, you harm your own kids by denying them access.

So, don’t use  the kids to punish your ex. It is not worth it. More importantly, it is harming the ones you love–your kids–when you do this.