Entitled to Forgiveness?!

26 If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, 27 but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.

-Hebrews 10:26-27, NIV

These verses ought to give pause to every Christian believing repentance is irrelevant to receiving God’s forgiveness.

As I read these words out of Hebrews, I see a message where God will NOT forgive those who continue in deliberate sin. God expects us to change our behavior in light of his generous mercy and grace. If we don’t, it clearly states we will be judged.

The besetting sin of Cheaters is pride, in my opinion.

They expect forgiveness from their victims. In fact, some will respond with contempt when one of us offers to forgive (in our desperation to “save” our marriage). They have a skewed view of forgiveness.

This is on us, pastors, for teaching such a skewed view.

Yes, God is VERY forgiving. And God expects repentance as part of receiving that forgiveness (see Luke 17:3). An entitled view regarding His forgiveness is out of place for God’s people (see Romans 6:1-2).

Forgiveness is a precious and costly gift God gives to us and expects us to give to others as carrying His DNA. It is NOT an entitlement in either case, though!