Fighting to hold onto hope!

and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment.

-Romans 5:4b-5a, NLT

Sometimes, it is hard to hope.

That makes sense. This is especially so in light of the devastating losses that come with divorce from a cheater.

In these seasons, I find it important to remember our hope is in Jesus. We trust in faith that His words are good and all will be righted in time.

I have seen this faith and hope rewarded already in my life. It did not come immediately; but I have seen God reward me for holding to Him.

Plus, I find peace recognizing the most important verdict of my value and future has already been rendered. I am “IN” and will be fine as I will be with God and paradise in the end. That, I find, helps me deal with life’s inevitable sources of anxiety and stresses.

Also, I appreciate music that reminds me of this truth. Here is a song that I find helps soothe my soul:


*A version of this post ran previously.