Fills my heart with joy

 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.

-Genesis 2:20, NIV

From the beginning, God made us to live with creatures He placed on the earth. We were designed to be around animals, caring for them.

So, it is no surprise to me that having pets is a great help to human well-being.

I am convinced my cat, Mr. Pickles, was a major contributing factor in helping me survive my divorce. He was a warm reminder that I am lovable and wanted.

These days I am a parrot owner. Loki, the Jardine parrot, is seen in the short video at the start of this post (and in the picture below).

Loki makes me feel wanted and loved. This parrot will fly and walk upstairs to find me. As you can see, he is excited to be reunited with his favorite human. It is very endearing when he does this.

I thank God for the animals–furry or feathered.

We are truly blessed to have them!



*A version of this post ran previously. Loki still loves me.