Financial Reliance

One of the hardest parts of adultery discovery and divorce is how it can be financially devastating for the faithful spouse.

Cheaters know this. I think some use it as another emotional cudgel with which to beat their faithful spouse. They use their financial power to terrorize their (soon to be ex) spouse.

I think this is doubly evil when kids are involved and the cheater refuses to do the basics of financial support for their own children.

It would be easier to walk away from a cheater if we knew our financial house will be fine–that we would be able to make it alright. I know that was part of the terror for me when my marriage to a cheater ended.

Looking back, I can see how God prepared and provided for me during that critical time. Now, over a decade removed, I doing better than fine.

I share that as an encouragement to you if you are stressing the finances. It can and does get better, at least, that is my experience.

I hope one day that you can say with me how wonderful it is to not have a cheater in your life belittling you with their financial power.