Funny how so many of us didn’t cheat!

Cheater apologists like to focus on the marriage conditions to let the cheater off the hook.

The thing is that those conditions were endured by TWO people. However, only one of those two cheated. Same conditions–if the true cause–out to produce same outcomes. But they do not.

It is not like we did not have opportunities to cheat. The difference is cheating was never a real option for us. We took it off the table with our marriage vows.

The Bible is clear about this matter even if some pastors are unclear:

The sin of adultery flows out of the heart of the sinner (see Mark 7:21-23).

It is not about the state of the marriage when it comes to cheating. Rather, the issue is the state of the hearts involved. In particular, the problem is someone feels entitled to sin by cheating. Every other focus is wasted energy spiritually speaking.