Giants? What is God then?


“The land we traveled through and explored will devour anyone who goes to live there. All the people we saw were huge. We even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak.”

-Number 13:32b-33a, NLT

Choose to trust God or give into giant-fear?

When going through divorce, many issues look insurmountable. We can see the loses. It all seems like a dark tunnel with no light at the end.

Fear looms large.

We can be like the Israelite scouts who only saw the giants.

This does not mean those scouts were lying. Giants inhabited the land. I have no doubt of that. Caleb and Joshua do not dispute this. The source of the fear and intimidation is real.

However, Caleb and Joshua refused to be ruled by the spirit of fear!

We need to learn from their example. At least, I know I do. Caleb and Joshua understood God is greater than any giants.

They grasped that God’s plan will not be thwarted even by real giants!

I do not know what “giants” you are facing this day. If God is calling you to move on from your adultery-ravaged marriage, I hope you take heart from this message.

God is greater than any trouble or “giant” you may face!

In closing be encouraged by this song by Zach Williams, “Fear Is a Liar”–


4 thoughts on “Giants? What is God then?”

  1. I am scared about the divorce and what will happen. It can potentially ruin my life and a hope for the future. I guess it will complete my destruction.

    1. Tim,

      Please be sure you are safe! Reach out to someone near you for support.

      Divorce looked like the end for me when I went through it. I had no career. My training was about to be tainted as a pastor who had to go through a trial to stay licensed because of my divorce. It was bleak.

      BUT God saw me through this! God can get you through, too. Take it one day or one minute at a time.

      Pastor David

    2. Tim,

      I felt like I was going to be ruined too. Shortly afterwards, I lost a job. When I was really overwhelmed, God showed me Isaiah 43:2

      “When you go through deep waters,
      I will be with you.
      When you go through rivers of difficulty,
      you will not drown.
      When you walk through the fire of oppression,
      you will not be burned up;
      the flames will not consume you.”

      No matter what doubts or fears I had, God didn’t stop caring about me. He won’t stop caring about you either.

    3. Tim,
      I was full of fear on absolutely every level. I had nothing (no money, no home, no job), except my youngest children. My elderly parents, siblings, & other children were states away. My once strong faith was barely sustaining me. With a cancer diagnosis in the middle of a drawn out divorce & custody battle the fear I had for my children escalated especially after surgical complications, & the medical & legal bills surpassed expectations.

      I now know that I was dealing with undiagnosed PTSD – more from being soul raped & worrying about kids’ future & faith than from medical diagnosis, severe physical pain & financial issues. Please do not give up, hang on to your faith in God. He is faithful & He does keep His promises! The sin in the world is great & the devil comes to steal, kill & destroy…Know & believe that God’s love is greater than that & He loves you! He WILL work good out of what the devil plans for evil for those who love Christ Jesus!!

      I have several battle scars, I am past my prime, I work 6-7 days a week to make ends meet…..But, I am an overcomer!! I have peace & I am free from an narcissistic abuser & cancer. Best of all my children who went through all these trials with me were protected! They are strong & have amazing relationships with the Lord. I am so thankful that I hung on to the tiny little mustard seed of faith I had left 6 years ago (DM’s ministry played a big roll in that)!

      Hang in there Tim! God loves you. You will be a victorious overcomer!


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