Gift of the new thing.

See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.

-Isaiah 43:19, NIV

A little over a decade ago, I was fresh off my divorce. That year I decided to go to a conference in Kansas City.

A prophetic word was given to me with this verse attached. It was a good, wise word about letting my ex go and then living my own life.

It is true that we lose things through the divorce process. Yet we also gain the opportunity for new experiences and traditions.

I can tell you over a decade removed from my divorce that I am SO grateful for all the new people and things I have gained because I divorced my Cheater. It did not change over night, but it does get better!

God did a new thing in my life, and it turns out to be very, very good!