God did NOT send the Other Woman or Other Man to your spouse!

God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else.

-James 1:13b, NLT

God did not send the Other Woman (OW) or Other Man (OM) into your spouse’s life.

It is sad that this even needs to be stated. However, I am sure plenty of readers here have heard their cheater try to blame their infidelity on God.

That is a lie.

The author of James makes it clear that God is not in the business of tempting people into sin. Adultery is sin (for the slow learners–aka cheaters–out there). So, God does not tempt a spouse to commit adultery.

This means God does not send an affair partner into the life of a spouse (so that they can cheat).

To believe otherwise is to disbelieve the Bible.

It is really that simple. Such a belief is trading truth for a lie. The person who does such is truly deceived and in a dark place.

Such is a spiritually disastrous delusion. 



*A version of this post ran previously.