God’s got you!

“My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”

-John 10:29, NIV

“God’s got you, David.” -Pastor to me.

I recieved this timely prophetic word in November last year. It has provided a great deal of comfort to me as I continue to walk through a difficult situation.

While prophetic, I would also point out that it is entirely biblical. This is true for everyone of us as Jesus’ followers:

God has us firmly in His capable hands.

This is what Jesus clearly tells us in John 10. We need not fear for we cannot be pried out of God’s hands.

Just as I needed this reminder from this pastor, I pass this along to you as a reminder. Someone who reads this needs to hear this truth:

Do not fear. God’s got you!