If half the energy put towards condemning divorcees…

Notice how some Christians feel completely free to share condemning opinions about divorce with faithful spouses but suddenly become silent regarding adultery with cheaters?

It is so odd.

The same people who wouldn’t DARE confront your cheater over her infidelity are the same crowd probing or condemning you for choosing divorce.

They behave as if “Thou shalt not divorce” is written in the Ten Commandments instead of what is–“Thou shalt not commit adultery” (see Exodus 20:14).

I wish this crowd would show the same sort of deference to faithfuls spouses as they do to cheaters. In other words, I wish they would keep their nose and opinion out the situation like they have chosen to do with the cheater.

If half the energy devoted to condemning divorcees was redirected to condemning adultery, I believe our communities and churches would be holier and healthier.

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