Happy New Year! Divorce Minister Blog going strong in 2021.

Happy New Year!

This is the day I usually post a little about who comes to my digital shores over the year. It helps to know that this ministry is touching lives, and those who come are far from alone.

In 2021–even with my big blog pause in December–the blog nearly made it to 100,000 views mark for the year. The year ended with roughly 98K views from 37K visitors. Not bad!

Visitors came from a wide variety of countries and territories. The top ten countries that had viewers for blog included:

  1. United States (78K views)
  2. Canada (4,341 views)
  3. Australia (3,249 views)
  4. United Kingdom (2,913 views)
  5. South Africa (1,536 views)
  6. Mexico (1,166 views)
  7. Malta (747 views)
  8. Germany (458 views)
  9. Singapore (407 views)
  10. Philippines (397 views)

When I started this blog years ago, I wondered if anyone would be interested in my thoughts on adultery and divorce. It continues to amaze me that so many folks find the digital shores of this website, and it seems the blog is helping people needing a pastor and survivor’s perspective on these topics.