Hate adultery, NOT divorce!

Declaring a hatred of divorce is akin to declaring a hatred of amputation.

Healthy people do not go around hoping to get an amputation. However, a doctor might suggest an amputation to stop an infection from killing them. Does it make sense to tell that patient, “I hate amputation?”

Divorce is an unfortunately necessary procedure for some of us.

It adds to the shame of enduring this hard procedure when church people declare their hatred of it. This is not helpful.

Of course, it is not the normal route of things. We would all prefer never to have an amputation. However, that was not a realistic option left to us.

Faithful spouses were faced with a difficult choice between preserving our lives–spiritually and sometime physically–or divorcing our cheater and thereby cutting out the problem.

It is an injustice to shame the faithful spouse for choosing divorce under those circumstances. If you must make a declaration, a much more healthier declaration to make is to declare your hatred for sin:

I hate adultery, not divorce!