I don’t see divorce as the problem.

The problem is adultery.

The problem is abuse and deception.

The problem is sin.

Divorce is a just a poor proxy to these problems.

I understand the concern about the pain divorce brings. It is an unpleasant experience. However, sometimes we have to go through an unpleasant experience to escape an even worse experience–i.e. an adulterous, abusive marriage.

Instead of condemning divorce, why not condemn cheating and its accompanying abuse?!

I wish pastors would do this more. Changing the focus upon the sin is what ought to be done but is rarely–if ever–done. Most will complain or lament about divorces happening. Few will condemn the infidelity and the abusive deception harming the hearts of faithful spouses and families.

That is why I say I don’t see divorce as the problem.

After all, God did not name divorce as one of the major problems in the Ten Commandments (see Exodus 20). He DID name adultery as a problem, though.

Maybe we should align our moral teaching with God’s better?!