Invest in relationships that “feed” you!

Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die.

-Psalm 103:15, NLT

I work in a field where I encounter death on a fairly regular basis. Such is the environment of a chaplain in a medical field.

These encounters bring clarity that is often lost on a society, which tries to avoid the reality of death. The work has a way of reminding me of what is truly important.

My encouragement to you as you read this is to take the opportunity to invest in those relationships that “feed” you.

At the risk of sounding morbid, you never know if you will get a second chance to make memories with those special people. Death does not always give us a warning.

Take a day off.

Spend time with that friend or family member that you know has your back.

You won’t regret it, but you may regret not doing it!