It DOES get better!

My heart is sick, withered like grass,
    and I have lost my appetite.

-Psalm 102:4, NLT

Grief is very heavy in the initial stages of infidelity discovery.

I remember having to tell myself to eat. My appetite had left me when I made the awful discovery. If my memory serves me correctly, I dropped about twenty pounds in two weeks from the traumatic grief of such an awful discovery.

It DOES get better!

I remember a point about three months after my divorce was finalized. That is when I looked around and realized that I LIKED myself.

I was still single. But I was grateful for where I was in my healing journey. I was thriving!

It did not happen over night. But I want to speak life and hope to those who are still in the appetite-stricken grief stage…

It DOES get better! Trust me. It did for me.